19 February 2008

on stateside

It's my fourth day back and I'm still sleeping during the day, waking up at 3am just in time to watch bad infomercials and reruns of Reno911. Disoriented, to say the least.

Last night we had a cupping of the coffees I brought back from Honey Coffee last week. Unfortunately the 12 hour flight and week between roasting and cupping may have done a number on the beans because most of the coffees lost what I knew of them from the shop. Coffees once powerfully bright and balanced lacked anything interesting to speak of. It was all so roasty. It's so strange how these coffees once tasted so light and now just fall heavy on my mouth.

The week between leaving the Izaki family and coming home to the states was spent in Tokyo with my boyfriend, David. He flew out to visit, and we met at Narita Airport. The reunion was special, but it was of course a little weird speaking fluent English for the first time in a month. I met a few foreigners on my way in Fukuoka, but they were always short conversations. Now I was back with my best friend and chatting had to be caught up. We did things like visiting the Imperial Palace and eating ramen... and we trecked an hour outside of the city to hunt for Ozu Yasujiro's grave. It was tucked into a temple full of national treasures off the train stop Kita-Kamikura. Its breathtaking beauty keeps me from inaccurately describing it with words, and even pictures fail to do it justice. Alas, you can view photos from here, and the rest of the trip here.

And here is the last photo taken at Honey... see you soon, miss you all so much.

the hentai

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