12 July 2008


Back in March I participated in an event called Pecha Kucha where I presented 20 slides in less than 7 minutes on my trip to Japan. Although you cannot see the photos, Alfredo (the conductor of the Atlanta chapter of this event) has hosted the audio portion of my presentation on iTunes as a podcast.

It's always weird to hear your own voice. I have yet to watch my entire USBC performance for this reason... well, and because anxious nerves turn in my stomach as I say to myself "You forgot to do ___!"

Listing to the podcast reminds me of winter and Japan. Memories are flooding.
Please enjoy.


mikep said...

"Although you cannot see the photos"- they showed up in my itunes desktop player.

Very cool slideshow!

I had no idea that the translation of that japanese word was "strange man".

Anonymous said...

Hi, long time no see.
You seem to be still obsessed with the feeling of nostalgia in Japan.

The beans of Honey Coffee are very smooth and one of my favorite things in my daily life.
Some of the member at Honey talk about you sometimes. They seems to love you too.