22 April 2008

At this point it's list writing and list re-writing and check-boxes and strike-throughs. It's making sure you have two of everything. It's speaking the same words over and over with honesty and compassion every time. It's two weeks until competition and we're all going a little crazy.

One of the final tasks upon me is naming the espresso. At the moment "Mère framboise" seems appealing, but the use of a french name is only personal and not exactly pertinent to the competition at hand. "Mother Raspberry" seems a little too much like a nursery rhyme, but the dedication of the coffee to my mother and the leading taste of raspberry seem necessary to address in the title. Maybe "Femme Framboise?" I'm taking suggestions, comments, hints, and clues.

what's left behind

Tonight is the last night in this house. Tomorrow I spend the evening in Athens to see BRMC with some dear friends, and then it is off to Gainesville for a week with the Voltans. Good bye, for now, 2080.


Unknown said...

framboise float?
raspberry float?
raspberry thyme? (pun intended)
raspberry shake? (getting at the malt)

shake yer framboise?


updosed, today, i was definitely getting the fruit AND the herbs. thyme, i think.

Dustin said...

Mama's Berries?
Rambo Frambo?

Ok, I got nothin'.