05 January 2008

last days

My last forty-eight hours in the states are spent with a stuffy nose and chapped lips, curled in bed or running errands. Dave and I try to soak up what we can of the quality time that's left for us. It's usually consumed of wandering around Target looking for deals on Cliff bars, or a jaunt to the mall where we soon become tired with "mall eyes" and our lungs full of recycled air.

I've also been on the hunt for something quintessentially American to give to my host family in what they call the art of "omiyage." So far all I have are a couple of Octane shirts for the kids, but I want to get something nice for the parents, too. Maybe something Coca-Cola? I suddenly feel like all of the "Atlanta Peach" stuff at the airport might be valuable. A Coca-Cola coffee mug, maybe? Wait, most of the canned coffee that the Katsuhide's are trying to compete with are owned by Coke. Great!

I cannot wait for my first cup at Honey. I cannot wait for the streets to be familiar. And I definitely cannot wait for quality television programming, like this:

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